Climate Change

NYT interviews Waring, Schattman on farmers adapting to climate change

The New York Times interviewed Tim Waring, University of Maine associate professor of social-ecological systems modeling, and Rachel Schattman, UMaine professor of sustainable agriculture, for a story about farmers in Vermont trying to implement new growing tactics to mitigate the effects of climate change, such as flooding and other extreme weather. “These are rural areas, […]

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UMaine salt marsh research cited in Maine Monitor, Press Herald report

An article about how sea level rise threatens salt marshes, which was jointly published by The Maine Monitor and the Portland Press Herald cited one 2003 paper co-authored by University of Maine researchers about the values, functions and restoration of salt marshes, and a 2018 paper by a UMaine graduate student, which estimated Maine will […]

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A photo of boats in a harbor

UMaine expanding support for climate action and resilience throughout Maine coast

From the piers in Casco Bay to the marinas of the midcoast and wharves along Downeast shorelines, working waterfronts are crucial to Maine’s economy and communities. Faced with the threat of rising sea levels, stronger and more frequent storms, aging infrastructure and development pressures, Gov. Janet Mills and her administration have developed strategies and nature-based […]

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Press Herald interviews UMaine Extension’s Jackson on farm closures

The Portland Press Herald interviewed Tori Jackson, a program administrator with University of Maine Cooperative Extension, on farm closures across the state. The owners of Maxwell’s Farm in Cape Elizabeth announced this summer would be their final season after 51 years of business, and federal data reported nearly 600 farms closed in Maine between 2017 […]

Read more highlights study on trees co-authored by McGill covered a study on how trees respond to climate change that was co-authored by Brian McGill, a professor of ecological modeling at the University of Maine, and Daniel Laughlin, a professor at the University of Wyoming. By researching how 188 North American tree species respond to temperature changes, the study found that species could […]

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News Center highlights UMaine research collaboration with Wyman’s

News Center Maine highlighted the collaboration between researchers at the University of Maine and Wyman’s to study how climate change is affecting the crop and learn how growers can sustain it. Rachel Schattman, an assistant professor of sustainable agriculture at the UMaine School of Food and Agriculture, is conducting a long-term experiment with her students […]

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Smithsonian Magazine interviews Calderwood for blueberry feature

Smithsonian Magazine referenced research from the University of Maine and interviewed Lily Calderwood, a wild blueberry specialist for the University of Maine Cooperative Extension, for a story about wild blueberries harvested in the state. University researchers are analyzing how the berries respond to heat stress and excessive precipitation in order to help farmers predict how […]

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A photo of the 66-foot sailboat named the Ocean Tramp

Graduate student documents Chilean research voyage with photography

The boat where Maraina Miles lived for a month was equipped with a small oven large enough for a tray of brownies, a four-burner gas stove and a mini refrigerator. Most of the perishables, such as avocados and cabbage, were stored on the top deck, kept cool by the Chilean weather and chest freezers.   Despite […]

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