Dr. Samuel P. Hanes

Samuel Hanes photo

Chair, Department of Anthropology;
Associate Professor of Anthropology

Ph.D. Rutgers 2008
M.A.  Rutgers 2002
B.A. University of Texas 2000



Professional Interests:

My background is in historical geography and human ecology. Most of my work looks at people’s response to the challenge created by complexity in human-environmental systems. I recently finished a book on the evolution of oyster management in the U.S. between 1870 and 1920. The book examines why the first state shellfish commissions often attempted to simplify oyster management in ways that would have harmed fishermen. I have also studied crop pollination in the Northeast and rural gentrification on the Maine coast. Both of these projects look at how people preserve complexity –complex ecosystem services, in the former case, and complex social processes that balance goals in rural communities in the latter. I am presently writing a book on the history of Maine and Maritime Canada’s blueberry industry. It focuses on the knowledge system farmers and scientists built to cope with environmental and competitive stress.


Representative Publications:


Hanes, S.P. 2018. The Aquatic Frontier: Oysters and Aquaculture in the Progressive Era. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, Environmental History of the Northeast book series (accepted – due out fall 2018).


Journal articles and book chapters

Johnson, T. and Hanes, S.P. (accepted) Aquaculture and Social Carrying Capacity on a Changing Coast. In C.P. Heidkamp ed., Coastal Sustainability Transitions, New York: Routledge Press.

Cleaver, C., Johnson, T.R., Hanes, S.P., and Pianka, K. (accepted) From Fishermen to Farmers: Assessing Aquaculture Adoption in a Training Program for Commercial Fishermen. Bulletin of Marine Sciences.

Hanes, S.P., Collum, K.K., Drummond, F., and Hoshide, A. 2018. Assessing Wild Pollinators in Conventional Agriculture. Human Ecology Review 24(1).

Hanes, S.P. 2018. Aquaculture and the Post-Productive Transition on the Maine Coast. Geographical Review 108(2): 185-202.

Hanes, S.P., and Waring, T. 2017. Cultural Evolution and US Agricultural Institutions: A Historical Case Study of Maine’s Blueberry Industry. Sustainability Science 13(1): 49-58.

Thompson, C., Johnson, T., and Hanes, S.P. 2016. Vulnerability of Fishing Communities Undergoing Gentrification. Journal of Rural Studies 45: 165-174.

Hanes, S.P., Collum, K.K., Hoshide, A., and Asare, E. 2015. Grower Perceptions of Native Pollinators and Pollination Strategies in Maine’s Lowbush Blueberry Industry. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 30(2): 124-131.

Hanes, S.P. 2013. Common Property Mapping and the Preservation of Traditional Rights in Chesapeake Bay’s Oyster Fishery, 1892-1914. Journal of Cultural Geography 30(3): 308-327.


Tel: 207.581.1885
Fax: 207.581.1823

Email: samuel.hanes@maine.edu

Department of Anthropology
5773 South Stevens Hall, Rm. 228
University of Maine
Orono, ME 04469


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