Rain, rain, rain…
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Wolf Pine Farm, Alfred, Maine
On the way to the York County Farmers’ Network July meeting at Wildroot Farm in Kennebunk, we stopped by Wolf Pine Farm so Amy Sprague and crew could field test the Weed Master cultivation tools. Unfortunately, the rain started soon after we completed assembly, but with a coarse textured site in mind, and the seemingly unending days of rain we have had in recent weeks, we headed to the field.
Although the finger weeders were quickly clogged, we were able to use the disk hillers in leeks despite the rain (although it was raining too hard at this point to get the camera out!).
We then headed to the nearby Wildroot Farm where the York County Farmers’ Network was holding a potluck and meeting. We retreated indoors to assemble the Weed Master, examine the components, and discuss the experiences from our field tests conducted to date.