Carrot Bed Flaming, Pre-emergence
May 13, 2009
Peacemeal Farm, Dixmont, Maine
In addition to the tests in onion, we used the bed flamer to preemergence flame two beds of carrots. Six quadrates were placed in each bed and all weeds counted prior to flaming; post-flaming weed density was measured the following day (14 May). Efficacy was greater in the ‘Nelson’ carrots, 82% compared to ‘Mokum’ carrots, 66%. Both beds contained predominately broadleaf weeds; very few grass weeds were counted. The working speed of the unit was 2 min. 30 sec. to cover the length of the 320 ft. beds. Two passes were used to cover the entire width of the bed, with some overlap at the center row. There were no problems with the tank or lines freezing up during these tests.