Caitlin Haley
I am currently a senior at the University of Maine, working towards my BS in marine science with a concentration in marine biology and a minor in climate science.
I’ve had field experience catching and tagging sharks and rays in Florida, as well as lab experience working as a research assistant for graduate students at both MITxWHOI (on the effects of seafood toxins) and UMaine (on sea lice). I also volunteer at a marine animal rehabilitation hospital in my hometown, caring for seals & sea turtles. This past spring, I studied abroad at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland, where I had the opportunity to core a peat bog and also live in a lighthouse.
I am extremely interested in marine ecology and how ecosystems are changing in response to climate change. I am looking forward to all the knowledge and skills I will gain in the Wahle lab this summer, as well as developing as a future marine biologist and researcher.