Emily Blackwood
Emily is Executive Manager at the VEMI Lab, special assistant to Dr. Giudice, and an IPh.D. candidate. Her academic interests include how humans have interacted with past environments and what we can learn from their behavior from an archaeological perspective. She is currently working on her third degree from UMaine having received her B.A. in Anthropology and her M.S. in Quaternary and Climate Studies. Her masters thesis focused on using oxygen isotopes derived from Mya arenaria (soft-shell clams) to infer the season of occupation at three archaeological shell heap sites along the coast of Maine. For her doctoral research she has shifted gears and her focus is now on reconstructing archaeological sites using virtual reality (VR) as a platform. The site she is using for this research is located in Peru and dated ~6,600 years before present. The use of virtual reality in archaeological research is new to the discipline, but it is her belief that it will soon become a powerful tool and platform that will allow archaeologists to examine sites through a different perspective. It is her goal to demonstrate not only the potential of using VR in archaeological research, but how it can be deployed in museums, classrooms and to the general public.