Walter’s Story
One of the most important and enduring facets of my life has been my education. I consider that my formal education began in 1961 when I enrolled at the University of Illinois, in Champaign. It was a wondrous experience for me at the age of 17, and the exposure to biological sciences, literature, the French language, and anthropology and other courses entirely captivated me.
I had to work two jobs to put myself through school each of the two years of my attendance there. Eventually, I had to find full-time employment, and my dream of obtaining my bachelor’s degree was placed on hold for twenty-six years due to the demands of full-time employment and then raising a family.
In 1989, I had employment that allowed me to work during the day yet go to school in the evenings. I enrolled at Texas A&M in Corpus Christi, Texas, and accumulated additional credits totaling about 90 hours.
When I retired in 2009 and still had a strong desire to complete my college education and I contacted Barbara Howard, Director of Bachelor of University Studies at the University of Maine, Orono, to see if I could enroll in the university and if my credits were transferable. I made an appointment, submitted my high school and university transcripts, and later was informed that I was accepted!
From the day of my acceptance to the moment of this writing, I have been very motivated and excited about returning to the university beyond any words I am capable of expressing. The Division of Lifelong Learning at the University of Maine is an extraordinary component of the university which enables people like me to return to the university and work for their degree. Equally extraordinary is the Director, Barbara Howard who provides guidance and support toward the student’s endeavors. Since I began my quest in 2014, I have the highest regards for every one of the professors I have worked with, each who generously provided all the time I needed to answer my questions or provide direction.
If you or someone you know has a lifelong love of learning and want to fulfill their dream of graduating with a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Maine, please contact Barbara Howard and she will guide you on your educational path toward success. All that is required is your time and dedicated commitment to begin the most fulfilling educational odyssey of your life. I know this to be a fact, since it is now fifty-five years since I first enrolled in a university, and I will be seventy-three at the end of 2016, the year of my graduation!
– Walter G.