Michael Buyaskas
Assessing the effectiveness of bait versus lure in linear arrays with multiple trail cameras to detect North American mammals
Assessing the effectiveness of bait versus lure in linear arrays with multiple trail cameras to detect North American mammals
Michael Buyaskas, wildlife ecology, is attempting to find the best combination of bait and lure to attract the most mammals to a trail camera. This combination will be used to provide a framework for researchers and managers in the northeast who are seeking to maximize the size and effectiveness of their mammal sampling efforts.
“As a wildlife ecologist, the ability to obtain accurate and representative results is key,” explains Buyaskas. “These results are often used as the basis for species management plans that have implications on the species’ survival, and we want to have the best available data to base these decisions on.”
Buyaskas also said that the University of Maine has fueled his research through unique resources such as close proximity to the North Maine Woods and valuable research partners.