About UMSpaceSafe

UMSpaceSafe was a tool to document research space use for the purpose of managing and mitigating hazards, including potential COVID-19 exposure. The Office of the Vice President of Research and Dean of the Graduate School requested that all UMaine/UMM personnel and students conducting institutionally associated research use this tool when accessing and departing research associated spaces on and off-campus, including campus labs, research common areas, field sites, farms, and non-UMaine/UMM research centers.

UMSpaceSafe did not passively track your activities and was not intended for documenting space use outside of institutionally authorized research activities.

Space use data was stored in a secure database and accessible only to UMSafeSpace administrators for the purpose of assessing and managing research safety, unless otherwise anonymized. All data is currently deleted from the database.

Your identity and contact information would have been shared with institutional emergency responders (e.g,. COVID-19 response teams) or state/federal emergency responders (e.g., Maine CDC, law enforcement) where deemed necessary to ensure personnel and public safety (e.g., exposure tracing).