
Student outreachWoodcock capture
The Wildlife Society is involved with a number of annual projects or events in or around the local community.  Here are some of the events we have organized, but we are always interested in new ideas, so please contact us if you have any requests or suggestions.

Grad School/Resume Night
We host annually a meeting where we invite professors and graduate students from UMaine to talk to our undergraduate members about applying to graduate school and resume writing. This is an important event in the life of an undergraduate since your resume becomes your lifeline when applying for jobs. The night is open to discussions, questions and you can even bring your resume and applications to be reviewed and edited by our professionals.

Duck Boxes
Annually, we spend part of a fall day cleaning and repairing duck nesting boxes at Sunkhaze Meadows National Wildlife Refuge or Hirundo Wildlife Refuge so they will be ready for the birds in the spring. We set out in canoes and do our box work from the boat (if the water is high enough). This is an excellent opportunity to canoe down one of our local streams and view a variety of wildlife such as waterfowl, turtles, eagles and numerous amphibians, as well as getting more acquainted with peers and having fun along the way!

Game Banquet
UMaine TWS puts on an annual Game Banquet at the Penobscot County Conservation Association in the spring. Prior to the date of the event, student spend time collecting game meat from sportsmen and other sources, giving the student an opportunity not only to procure some tasty food for our banquet, but gain experience speaking to the public and professionals. Students then spend the day of the event cooking up various dishes from donated game meat and then open up the doors to the community to sample these unique foods. Previous dishes have included meats such as moose, deer, rabbit, caribou, elk, bear, salmon, trout, pickerel, beaver, porcupine, duck, grouse and eider. This event is not only tasty but great fun!

Wildlife Skills Workshop
Each Fall we try to organize a wildlife field skills workshop. Graduate students and professionals offer opportunities to learn skills such as telemetry, GPS navigation, small mammal trapping, and animal identification.  It is a great way to learn about research being conducted in the department and learn some valuable skills!

Outreach and Education
We have been developing outreach and education opportunities for school groups and members of the local community.  We held a Family Wildlife Palooza with information and activities for kids, in addition to tabling with our skins and skulls exhibit at other community events.  We hope to continue expanding these activities in the future!