International Opportunities for Faculty and Staff

University of Studies Abroad Consortium

Teach Abroad

The University of Maine is an affiliated university of the USAC consortium. Faculty from UMaine have the unique opportunity to teach abroad. Visiting Professors (VP) establish contacts with foreign colleagues, enhance their own foreign language acquisition, strengthen and support international education and study abroad on campus, diversify course curriculum, and develop international relationships for research and other purposes. For more information, visit the USAC website.

Contact Orlina Boteva, Director of International Programs, for more information about the application process, USAC model, course ideas, and USAC programs.

VP Recipients:

  • Dr. Susan K. Gardner, Women and Gender Studies, Summer 2020 – Alicante, Spain
  • Dr. Jordan LaBouff, Psychology and Honors, Fall 2016, Fall 2018 – San Sebastian, Spain
  • Dr. Amy Blackstone, Sociology, Summer 2018 – Viterbo, Italy
  • Dr. Greg Zaro, Anthropology, Winter 2018 – Alicante, Spain
  • Dr. Rob Glover, Political Science, 2017 – Santiago, Chile
  • Dr. Sarah Harlan-Haughey, English, 2013 – Galway, Ireland

Faculty International Development Awards (FIDA) with USAC

FIDA Recipients:

  • Dr. Allison Garland, Biology, Summer 2020 – San Ramon, Costa Rica
  • Jesse Kaye Schiess, Kinesiology, Summer 2018 – Reggio Emilia, Italy
  • Dr. Margo Lukens, English, Summer 2018 – Puntarenas, Costa Rica

Fulbright Scholar Program

The Fulbright Scholar Programs offer U.S. faculty, administrators and professionals grants to lecture, conduct research in a wide variety of academic and professional fields, or to participate in seminars. UMaine contact persons are Prof. Mario Teisl and Prof. Dorothy Klimis-Zacas.

Fulbright Specialist Program

The Fulbright Specialist Program sends U.S. faculty to serve as expert consultants on curriculum, faculty development, institutional planning, and related subjects at academic institutions abroad for a period of two to six weeks.

Fulbright International Education Administrators Seminars

U.S. international education professionals and senior higher education officials create empowering connections with the societal, cultural and higher education systems of other countries. Grantees have the opportunity to learn about the host country’s education system as well as establish networks of U.S. and international colleagues over the course of an intensive two-week grant duration.  Grantees return with enhanced ability to serve and encourage international students and prospective study-abroad students. For more information, visit Fulbright International Education Administrators Seminars.

DAAD Opportunities for Faculty Researchers

The German Academic Exchange Service (or DAAD) provides support for faculty, ranging from funding for conferences to language programs in Germany.

Faculty Development Seminars through UMaine Partner Programs

  • SIT Faculty Seminars Abroad – seminars and study abroad site visit for programs run by the School for International Training in Brattleboro, VT. In 2018 the seminar sites are India and Kenya/Uganda. Scholarships are available.