The rising cost of obtaining a college education has made it increasingly difficult for many students and families to realize their dreams of earning a college degree. As an attorney, Brian Zeiger understands the value of education as well as the financial strain that being a student can often entail. In an effort to help students meet their financial needs, The Zeiger Firm is pleased to offer a $1,000 scholarship to each winner of the biannual Brian Zeiger college scholarship essay contest. Details regarding the contest and application procedures are detailed below.
For more info please visit the application website:
Scholarship Amount: | $1,000 |
Grade Level: | All College Levels High School Senior |
Application Required: | No |
Essay Required: | Yes |
Supplemental Materials: | Name, Phone Number, and Name of University in addition to the required essay |
For questions or comments on this posting, please contact the Office of Student Financial Aid Office at 581-1324 or at
The University of Maine Office of Student Financial Aid has no affiliation with the organization offering this scholarship. We post scholarships as a courtesy for our students