Apriorit offers an educational technology grant for high school seniors and graduate students in USA, who have been enrolled at a college or university for a computer engineering or computer science program this year. We want to support young people passionate about IT and planning to build their career in this field.
For more info please visit the application website: https://www.apriorit.com/student-scholarships#schForm
Scholarship Amount: | $1,000 |
Area of Study: | Computer Science |
Grade Level: | Undergraduate Student High School Senior |
GPA Minimum: | 3.0 |
Application Required: | Yes |
For questions or comments on this posting, please contact the Office of Student Financial Aid Office at 581-1324 or at umfinaid@maine.edu
The University of Maine Office of Student Financial Aid has no affiliation with the organization offering this scholarship. We post scholarships as a courtesy for our students