Our mission at ChameleonJohn.com is to help people save money on their online purchases. That is why we get the best coupon codes from hundreds of online stores around the United States. After having saved money for thousands of consumers, we decided to give a hand to students who are struggling financially and thus established an annual University Student Scholarship with which we give away $2,000 every year to one student in the United States.
For more info please visit the application website: https://www.chameleonjohn.com/scholarship/universities/apply
Scholarship Amount: | $2,000 |
Grade Level: | All College Levels |
Application Required: | Yes |
For questions or comments on this posting, please contact the Office of Student Financial Aid Office at 581-1324 or at umfinaid@maine.edu
The University of Maine Office of Student Financial Aid has no affiliation with the organization offering this scholarship. We post scholarships as a courtesy for our students