Enrollment Based Adjustments

The types and amounts of aid in your award are based on an enrollment of 15 credits per semester.

If you plan on enrolling in less than 15 credits each semester, it is important to report this information to the Office of Student Financial Aid as adjustments to your financial aid may be required. Continue reading for additional information on how your award may be affected by your enrollment.

Merit Scholarships
Your merit scholarship may be subject to change if you are enrolled in less than 15 credits per semester. Please note, eligibility for some scholarships is dependent on students being a minimum of 12 credits per semester.

Some federal and state grants are subject to adjustment if you are enrolled in less than 15 credits per semester.

For specific information on how your award will change according to your enrollment, please contact our office.

Reporting Enrollment

Report your enrollment to our office as soon as possible so any required adjustments can be processed.

  1. Login at mainestreet.maine.edu
  2. Select Accept/Decline Awards
  3. Select the 2025 Aid Year
  4. Click report an Enrollment Change

For questions about your award or reporting enrollment, contact the Office of Student Financial Aid at 207.581.1324.

For technical assistance logging into MaineStreet, contact the IT Help Desk at 207.581.2506.