
Spring 2023

MAT 500 – Nonlinear Differential Equations

This course covers the fundamental theory of nonlinear ODEs in a comprehensive manner. The course begins with a treatment of linear systems of ODEs before developing a local theory for nonlinear systems, revisiting topics from introductory courses on ODEs with more mathematical depth and rigor. Global theory of nonlinear systems is then developed before concluding with an examination of bifurcation theory.

Spring 2022

MAT 401 – Capstone Seminar in Mathematics

Required of all mathematics and statistics majors. Students will be asked to draw upon and integrate their mathematics course work by exploring mathematical topics in their historical and scientific context. Students are expected to exhibit innovative problem-solving and thoughtful writing. Each student will be required to write a paper on the topic under investigation and to present the results in a colloquium talk to the class.

MAT 451 – Dynamical Systems

A study of the nature and behavior of solutions of linear and nonlinear systems of differential and difference equations through mathematical analysis and the use of available menu-driven PC software.

Fall 2021

MAT 425 – Introduction to Real Analysis I

A study of functions of a real variable and the related topology of the real line. Concepts of limit, convergence, continuity and differentiability are studied. 

MAT 259 – Differential Equations 

The theory and applications of ordinary differential equations for science and mathematics students intending to take further courses in applied mathematics. 

Spring 2021

MAT 258 (Sec 0005 & Sec 0006) – Introduction to Differential Equations with Linear Algebra

An introduction to elementary linear algebra and ordinary differential equations including applications. 

Fall 2020

MAT 500 – Nonlinear Differential Equations

This course covers the fundamental theory of nonlinear ODEs in a comprehensive manner. The course begins with a treatment of linear systems of ODEs before developing a local theory for nonlinear systems, revisiting topics from introductory courses on ODEs with more mathematical depth and rigor. Global theory of nonlinear systems is then developed before concluding with an examination of bifurcation theory.

MAT 258 – Introduction to Differential Equations with Linear Algebra

An introduction to elementary linear algebra and ordinary differential equations including applications. 

Spring 2020

MAT 451 – Dynamical Systems

A study of the nature and behavior of solutions of linear and nonlinear systems of differential and difference equations through mathematical analysis and the use of available menu-driven PC software.

Fall 2019

MAT 259 – Differential Equations

The theory and applications of ordinary differential equations for science and mathematics students intending to take further courses in applied mathematics. 

Spring 2019

MAT 425 – Introduction to Real Analysis II

A continuation of MAT 425 emphasizing integration and sequences and series of functions. 

MAT 258 – Introduction to Differential Equations with Linear Algebra

An introduction to elementary linear algebra and ordinary differential equations including applications. 

Fall 2018

MAT 425 – Introduction to Real Analysis I

A study of functions of a real variable and the related topology of the real line. Concepts of limit, convergence, continuity and differentiability are studied.

Spring 2018

MAT 258 (Sec 0001 & Sec 0006) – Introduction to Differential Equations with Linear Algebra

An introduction to elementary linear algebra and ordinary differential equations including applications. 

Fall 2017

MAT 126 – Calculus I

An introduction to calculus for students in mathematics, engineering, and the sciences. Covers the differential calculus of the algebraic, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions, concluding with the definite integral and the fundamental theorem of calculus. The approach is intuitive and geometric, with emphasis on understanding the basic concepts of function, limit, derivative and integral.

MAT 329 – Problem Seminar II

Problem-solving in selected areas of mathematics. Material will be taken from various problem books, competitions and mathematical periodicals. Recommended for students who wish to participate in the annual Putnam competition. May be repeated for credit.