Student Organizations
The School of Performing Arts offers a variety of student run organizations on campus in the disciplines of music, theatre and dance. Some many require auditions for membership. Get involved!
Renaissance is a premier female a cappella group whose members sing current music and older hits. The ensemble is available for gigs and short concerts in residence halls. They often perform with the Maine Steiners.
The Maine Steiners are The University of Maine’s premiere all-male acapella group. Founded in 1957, The Maine Steiners are the oldest acapella group on campus.
Honorary service organizations whose sole purpose is to serve the college or university band programs through service projects, fundraisers, social events and other projects.
Membership in the University of Maine Collegiate Chapter #175 of NAfME (National Association for Music Education) is highly recommended for all music education majors. It is affiliated with the Maine Music Educators Association (MMEA). Members of our chapter attend conferences, workshops and other events in our state and beyond; host events on campus with a variety of guest clinicians, and do service projects. All members have access to five online journals and receive hard copies of the Music Educators Journal and Teaching Music on a monthly basis.
- Hip Hop Club
- This active student organization revolves around learning the styles and techniques of hip hop dance. The group strives to perform in the SPA Dance Showcase at the end of each semester and provides students with the opportunites to choreograph, learn from their peers and perform on our main stage, Hauck Auditorium. The group has also been involved in the International Dance Festival at the Collins Center for the Arts. This is a large and diverse group that requires minimal to no experience in the genre!
- Dance Club
- Celtic Club
- Tap Club
- Ballroom Club
- Tango Club
- Ballet Club
Student theatre organization that supports theatre activities at the University including independent performances directed by University of Maine students and various theatre related activities on and off campus.