Undergraduate Outcomes and Assessment

Students who successfully complete an undergraduate degree in Economics or Financial Economics at the University of Maine will be able to demonstrate:

  • Economic reasoning and critical thinking skills:
  • Use economic reasoning and critical thinking skills to analyze problems, reach conclusions, understand tradeoffs, and develop solutions — including applications of economics in interdisciplinary settings.
  • Data analysis skills:
  • Analyze data using appropriate graphical, statistical, and econometric techniques with proper interpretation of the results.
  • Communication skills:
  • Accurately and effectively communicate — on your own and/or part of a team — economic concepts and arguments to a wide variety of audiences in writing, verbally, and through presentations.
  • Economic modeling skills:
  • Use appropriate economic theory to construct and solve models of a wide range of topics and questions.
  • Research skills:
  • Articulate a research study’s purpose and motivation, develop hypotheses, design and carry out a research plan, interpret and communicate results and conclusions.