Faculty In the News
September 16, 2015: Professor Amy Blackstone was interviewed on WERU’s afternoon news show “Maine Currents” about her study of and lifestyle as child-free.
August 26, 2015: Professor Kyriacos Markides is interviewed on Inception Radio Station’s online blog talk show “Supernatural Girlz” by Patricia Baker.
July 22, 2015: Professor Steve Barkan and UMaine Alum Michael Rocque ’05 are quoted in an article from the Portland Phoenix “Manhunts, murders, and armed robberies: Maine’s crime trends flip with spring, summer mayhem.”
June 25, 2015: Professor Steve Barkan received the Presidents Award at the Text and Academic Authors Association annual meeting.
June 10, 2015: Professor Steve Barkan, along with UMaine Alum Michael Rocque ’05 and their colleague Chad Posnick, have an opinion piece in the Bangor Daily News – ‘4 Reasons to Doubt the “Ferguson Effect” and the Claims of a National Crime Wave.’ Barkan, Rocque, and Posnick are members of the Scholars Strategy Network and regularly contribute to the BDN.
June 5, 2015: Chair and Professor Amy Blackstone is quoted in the article “Can a New Parent Remain a Good Friend?” in Pacific Standard.
June 2015: Professor Steve Barkan launches a new blog “Thinking Sociologically” at https://sociologyandcriminology.wordpress.com/
March 27, 2015: Online UMaine News reports that Kyriacos Markides is one of the 2015 inductees into the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society. Congratulations Professor Markides!

March 17, 2015: Professor Steve Barkan participated in an event at the Peace and Justice Center of Eastern Maine with visiting scholar Joe Soss, the inaugural Cowles Chair for the study of public service at the University of Minnesota. Dr. Soss spoke on Plutocracy, Poverty, and Racial Injustice Today: Why We Need a Basic Income Guarantee. Professor Barkan served on a discussion panel after the talk.
January 2015: Michael Rocque’05, Chad Posick, Steven E. Barkan, and Raymond Paternoster. 2015. “Marriage and County-Level Crime Rates: A Research Note.” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 52:130-145.
December 2, 2014: Professor Steve Barkan has a new publication, “Gender and Abortion Attitudes: Religiosity as a Suppressor Variable,” in the journal Public Opinion Quarterly (POQ). The full article is available online and in print
December 2, 2014: Professor Amy Blackstone is quoted in a Chicago Tribune article: How couples can start their own Christmas tradition, no kids required.
November 1, 2014: Professor Kyriacos Markides’ talk for Antiochian Village in Pennsylvania is posted on AncientFaith.com.
October 23, 2014: Professor Kyriacos Markides is interviewed for Internet Radio by Evan Brand for NotJustPaleo.com.
September 14, 2014: Professor Steve Barkan has a letter to the editor in the online edition of the New York Times.
August 20, 2014: UMaine News has an article Recognizing Sexual Harassment about the work of Professor Amy Blackstone and Jason Houle ’05 (see July 9 below).
July 15, 2014: Professors Steven Cohn and Kyriacos Markides, and retired professor Susan Greenwood, have articles in The International Journal of Trans-personal Studies, 2013, Volume 32, Issue 2. Cohn and Markides’ article is entitled “Religion and Spiritual Experience: Revisiting Key Assumptions in Sociology.” Greenwood’s article is “Emile Durkheim and C. G. Jung: Structuring a Trans-personal Sociology of Religion.” Scroll down to find them in the list of current articles in this journal.
July 9, 2014: Professor Amy Blackstone and Jason Houle ’05 have an article in Sociological Spectrum: Mid-South Sociological Association Volume 34, Issue 4, 2014 – “I Didn’t Recognize It as a Bad Experience until I was Much Older”: Age, Experience, and Workers’ Perceptions of Sexual Harassment. Jason is an assistant professor of sociology at Dartmouth.
July 2014: While spending time in his native country of Cyprus this summer, Professor Kyriacos Markides participated in conference on the Cyprus problem and gave a lecture on “The System of Values and Moral Orientation of Cypriots in Relationship to their Political Behavior”. The conference was organized by a Cypriot “Think Tank” called “Thoukidides”.
June 24, 2014: Professor Steve Barkan Op Ed in the Bangor Daily News: Why it Makes No Sense to Put More People in Jail
June 10, 2014: Professor Amy Blackstone Op Ed in the Bangor Daily News. Women’s ‘Confidence Problem’? It’s so much more!
May 13, 2014: Professor Amy Blackstone Op Ed in the Bangor Daily News on helicopter parenting. Cut parents some slack already!
March 18, 2014 – Professor Steve Barkan publications: Criminology: A Sociological Understanding, sixth edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, 2015; and an article “Why Sociology Textbooks Do a Disservice.” Pp. 207-2013 in A. Javier Treviňo and Karen M. McCormack (eds.), Service Sociology and Academic Engagement in Social Problems. Surrey, England: Ashgate, 2014
March 11, 2014: Professor Amy Blackstone is interviewed on the latest Mable Wadsworth Women’s Center podcast.
February 21, 2014: Professor Amy Blackstone is featured in a WGME Portland TV news article about people who live child free!
February 2014: Professor Amy Blackstone’s work is featured in a UMaine News article.
January 23, 2014: Professor Kim Huisman has been selected as a CUGR Research Fellow.
January 2014: Professor Amy Blackstone’s article “Doing Family Without Having Kids” has been published in the January 20, 2014, issue of Sociology Compass.
January 2014: Chair Amy Blackstone attended a recent UMaine Black Bear Hockey game at the invitation of President Ferguson. Here she is (far left) with UMaine’s mascot Bananas and other attendees:
November 2013: An updated version of Professor Steve Barkan‘s comprehensive introduction to sociology textbook has been published online by Flat World Knowledge.
Oct 21, 2013: Professor Amy Blackstone is quoted in a Dame Magazine article entitled “The Ticking Clock: What’s True (and False) About Female Fertility?”
September 19, 2013: Professor Steve Barkan was interviewed for a piece on the PBS radio program Marketplace. The story was on “dubious returns” — people returning things to stores that they didn’t pay for or just wanted to use for a while — and the economic recession. The show aired on MBPN – here’s more on the Marketplace website.
September 17, 2013: Professor Amy Blackstone has an op ed in the Bangor Daily News: “Setting the record straight on 6 myths about childless adults.”
September 12, 2013: Professor Amy Blackstone was interviewed for the BDN and on Fox/ABC TV. And here’s the UMaine News Release about her appearance on the Katie Couric Show which aired September 16!
July 2, 2013: Professor Kyriacos Markides appeared on a 90-minute program on the national television station of Cyprus. It was on the program “Elita” (a call-in talk show). Before leaving Cyprus, he was interviewed by a local Cypriot journalist, Antigone Drousiotis, for Phileleftheros, the leading newspaper of Cyprus.
June 13, 2013: Professor Steve Barkan, and alumni Michael Rocque ’05 and Jason Houle ’05 are quoted in an article from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: Solving the Riddle of the U.S. ‘Suicide Belt’.
April 24, 2013: Professor Steven Barkan has been elected Vice President/President Elect for the Textbook and Academic Authors Association. UM Notice here.
March 27, 2013: Adjunct Faculty Mike Rocque has an article in Victims & Offenders: An International Journal of Evidence-based Research, Policy, and Practice. Entitled “Unraveling Change: Social Bonds and Recidivism among Released Offenders”, Abstract here.
March 24, 2013: Professor Amy Blackstone is interviewed on WABI-TV and the Bangor Daily News about her participation in local Roller Derby!
March 22, 2013: Congrats to Adjunct Faculty Mike Rocque on his recent publication in Deviant Behavior entitled “Measuring Up: Assessing the Measurement Properties of Two Self-Control Scales.” http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01639625.2012.748619
February 11, 2013: Once again Adjunct Faculty Michael Rocque is in the news! Press release about his article in The Journal of Criminal Justice on Biosocial Crime Prevention.
February 6, 2013: Professor Barkan has an Op-Ed in the Bangor Daily News on Mass Incarceration.
January 2013: Professors Steve Barkan and Steve Cohn have written an article on recruitment for the Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements.
January 2013: Adjunct Faculty Michael Rocque ’05 had the following publications over the past year:
- http://www.asc41.com/Criminologist/2012/2012_November-December_Criminologist.pdf
- http://scottbarrykaufman.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Rocque_2012_SSJ.pdf
- http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0047235212000736
January 22, 2013: Professor Amy Blackstone has an Op-Ed in the Bangor Daily News entitled “Do You Ignore or Disrespect Older Co-Workers?”
January 9, 2013: This Op-Ed on parents who have chosen to be child free by Professor Amy Blackstone ran in the Bangor Daily News summer 2012, but somehow we missed getting it in In the News!
December 19, 2012: More great news from the Class of 2005: Michael Rocque has recently received his PhD from Northeastern University’s School of Criminology and Criminal Justice and has accepted the Director of Correctional Habilitation position at the Maine Dept of Corrections. He will start this new position in May 2013.
December 18, 2012: Great news from the Class of 2005: Jason Houle has accepted an assistant professorship at Dartmouth and Dawn Norris has accepted a tenure-track position at the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse. Both will be starting their exciting new careers in Fall 2013.
December 6, 2012: Professor Kim Huisman is featured in an article about the Maine Mother-Daughter Project in the Penobscot Bay Pilot.
November 2012: Professor Steve Barkan has an article “The Open Textbook Revolution” in Notices of the American Mathematical Society.
October 12, 2012: Professor Kyriacos Markides is interviewed on Maine Public Radio’s popular “Maine Things Considered” as part of a story on a Pew Survey: Maine One of Least Religious States in the Nation.
October 1, 2012: Professor Amy Blackstone is quoted in an article on the recent discovery of a “mom gene” in mice.
September 16, 2012: Professor Kyriacos Markides was interviewed live on Ancient Faith Radio. It is an international radio program originating in California with listeners from around the world calling in their questions. The program is bimonthly and is listened to by a wide range of people. Click here to hear a podcast of the interview.
August 24, 2012: Professor Amy Blackstone was interviewed on local TV station WLBZ Channel 2 for her work on workplace harassment and she is quoted regarding this research on the website AOL.Jobs on 8-28-12.
Kyriacos Markides, PhD, In conversation with Open Center Creative Director, Ralph White. Kyriacos Markides has brought his unique knowledge of Cypriot culture and spirituality to the Open Center for over 25 years and is a well-loved and respected teacher. He will also be leading the Journey to Cyprus, June 15th to 20th, that takes place immediately after the Esoteric Quest for Ancient Alexandria. In this webinar he will speak about the profound mystical traditions of his native island; his conversations with contemplative monks in the tradition of Mount Athos, the Mountain of Silence; and reflect on the workings of the esoteric group described in his early writings. He will also cover the theme of his new book, Inner River: A Pilgrimage to the Heart of Christian Spirituality.
Professor Steve Barkan has been interviewed for the TAA (Text and Academic Authors Association) Newsletter. And Professor Barkan has won a Texty award for his textbook Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World 1st ed. Published by Flat World Knowledge in the category of College, Humanities/Social Sciences.
March 6, 2012: Professor Kyriacos Markides‘s new book Inner River: A pilgrimage to the heart of Christian spirituality is available at book stores. A lecture, reception and book signing will take place on March 29, 4-6 PM, Bangor Room Memorial Union.
February 2012: Professor Amy Blackstone‘s new textbook, Principles of Sociological Inquiry: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods, is now available online at www.flatworldknowledge.com. Congratulations Amy!
Sept 11, 2011: On this 10-year anniversary of the Sept 11 events, we offer this perspective from Professor Markides which was originally recorded in 2008: click here
May 3, 2011: Article about Professors Barkan and Blackstone and their online text books in UMaine News!
April 22, 2011: Barkan named to national sociology society post: Steve Barkan, professor of sociology, has been elected to a three-year term as the Region I Representative on the Council of Alpha Kappa Delta, the international sociology honor society for undergraduate students. The Council meets annually the day before the beginning of the American Sociological Association conference in August.
April 21, 2011: Amy Blackstone receives CLAS Outstanding Teaching and Advising Award.
April 17, 2011: Kyriacos Markides receives European Union Literary Award as a representative of his native country of Cyprus. See article in the Spring 2011 Social Facts newsletter.
Sept 17, 2010: Chair Steve Barkan has a letter to the editor published in the New York Times!
Professor Amy Blackstone featured in Summer 2010 issue of UMaine Today.