Simulating Concentric Crater Fill on Mars With an Ice Flow Model
Published: 08/2018
Zanetti M
Osinski G.R
Weitz N
A wide range of evidence suggests that substantial ice accumulation happened in the midlatitudes during the late Amazonian, in the form of dissected mantle terrain, lobate debris aprons and flows and surface ice deposits. Some workers have suggested that this ice is potentially partly preserved in the crater interiors to the present day. Satellite imagery of concentric crater fill (CCF) show flow features such as ice lobes, ringshaped features related to sublimation processes on the fill surface, and parallel ridges on the crater floors, interpreted to be related to glaciation. It is generally accepted that CCF consists of water ice covered by dust and debris deposits, and occurs mostly in the interior of mid- to high latitude craters. Recent global climate modeling suggests that concentric crater fill develops over many cycles in which thin layers of snow and ice gradually accumulate in craters during global changes in the planet’s obliquity. Here, we use finite element ice flow modeling to simulate the infill of impact craters in the mid-latitudes of Mars. Our work includes realistic crater geometries and non-uniform sublimation rates. Modeling the formation of CCF and comparing it to observations may help quantify the amount of ice buried in the mid-latitudes
and improve climate models.
N. Weitz and G. R. Osinski and M. Zanetti and J. L. Fastook, SIMULATING CONCENTRIC CRATER FILL ON MARS WITH AN ICE FLOW MODEL, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 48, #2272, 2017