Semi-formal Evaluation of Architecture Design Based on Architecture Principles
Published: 06/2017
Enterprise architectures (EA) and principles have been defined multiple times in literature. The main focus is how architecture principles help fulfilling organization’s goals. There is a consensus on the guiding roles of principles and on the fact that architecture designs are limited by them. However, there are no (semi-)formal methodologies to truly evaluate the links between principles and design. There is also no method to evaluate miss-alignments between principles and design or to guide re-design in case the set of principles changes. In this paper, we make initial steps towards a semi-formal method for traceability and consistency checks between architecture principles and EA design. We aim to provide a mechanism that supports overall change management
D. Marosin and S. Ghanavati, Semi-formal Evaluation of Architecture Design Based on Architecture Principles, In proceeding of the 10th International iStar Workshop (iStar’17),Essen, Germany, June 2017.