Interdependence Among Material Objects and Voids
Published: 09/2014
Material-spatial interdependence (mat-dep) is a type of dependence in which the physical extents of two entities are necessarily and mutually contingent, e.g. an object and its matter, or a hole and its host. Such dependence is commonly found amongst arrangements of physical entities, particularly in models of the natural environment. In this paper, we analyze and formally characterize mat-dep, and show how it augments the physical characterization of the containment, constitution, and hosting relations, primarily for development of a hydro ontology.
T. Hahmann, B. Brodaric, M. Gruninger: Interdependence among material objects and voids. Proc. of the 8th Int. Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS-2014), 2014. IOS Press.