Deploying a Multi-Interface RESTful Application in the Cloud
Published: 08/2013
This paper describes the design, implementation, and deployment of an application server whose primary infrastructure is an elastic cloud of servers. The design is based on the Representational State Transfer (REST) style, which provides significant benefits in a cloud environment. The paper also addresses implementation issues within a specific cloud service and highlights key decisions and their effect on scalability and cost. Finally, it describes our experiences in deploying a widely used platform with both Web and mobile client interfaces and its ability to cope with load spikes while maintaining a low quiescent cost.
Erik Albert and Sudarshan Chawathe. Deploying a Multi-Interface RESTful Application in the Cloud. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Data Management in Cloud, Grid and P2P Systems (Globe-2013). Prague, Czech Republic. August 26–29, 2013.