Kate Beard and Melinda Neville. A Place and Event Based Context Model for Environmental Monitoring. Published in the Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on
Context-Awareness in Geographic Information Services, in conjunction with GIScience 2014, edited by Haosheng Huang, Jürgen Hahn, Christophe Claramunt, Tumasch Reichenbacher, CAGIS 2014, 23 September 2014, Vienna, Austria.
A Place and Event Based Context Model for Environmental Monitoring
Published: 09/2014
The importance of context awareness in support of computational services has been well recognized with applications in areas such as real-time location-based services, dynamic social network collaboration, situational health monitoring, indoor navigation, and the Internet of Things among others. The role of context in these services is generally to support more responsive service delivery for human users or agents. The focus of this paper is a context model for environmental observations, where knowledge of spatial and temporal contextual differences among observations is important for interpretation and analyses as well as facilitating sharing and reuse of data outside the original collection context. This paper builds on the OBOE ontology for observation data and expands spatial and temporal context settings through additional ontologies that support flexible spatial contextual consruction in terms of places and relationships among places and temporal contextual construction in terms of events and event relationships. The goal is to capture spatial and temporal contexts for observations to support machine as well as human interpretation and analysis.