News and Events

Monday Seminar on Visualizing and Exploring Events from Sensor Networks

Title: Visualizing and Exploring Events from Sensor Networks Speaker: Dr. Kate Beard SIE/NCGIA Joint Seminar Series 336 Boardman Hall, University of Maine 4:00pm, Monday, January 31, 2011 Abstract: Sensor networks and other new technologies are generating volumes of data with both temporal and spatial components. Analysis and synthesis of these space-time data streams requires tools […]

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Dr. Giudice receives College of Engineering Early Career Research Award

On Friday, Nov. 19, Dr. Nicholas Giudice was honored at the College of Engineering’s 31st Annual Edward T. Bryand Recognition Banquet. Over 150 guests gathered to celebrate the accomplishments of the engineers, faculty, students, and staff who have brought distinction to the profession of engineering. Nick was the recipient of the 2010 Early Career Research […]

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Ben Weber successfully defends thesis on Mobile Map Browsers

Benjamin T. Weber successfully defended his thesis on November 22 on the topic of Mobile Map Browsers: Anticipated User Interaction for Data Pre-fetching Abstract. When browsing a graphical display of geospatial data on mobile devices, users typically change the displayed maps by panning, zooming in and out, or rotating the device. Limited storage space on […]

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Efficient Data Collection and Event Boundary Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Tiny Models

Published: Jan 1, 2010 Author(s): King, Kraig, Nittel, Silvia Abstract: Using wireless geosensor networks (WGSN), sensor nodes often monitor a phenomenon that is both continuous in time and space. However, sensor nodes take discrete samples, and an analytical framework inside or outside the WSN is used to analyze the phenomenon.. In both cases, expensive communication is used to […]

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Max Egenhofer awarded $500,000 NSF grant

Dr. Max Egenhofer has recently received an IIS NSF award for his proposal “A Theory of Topological Relations for Compound Spatial Objects“. Proposal Abstract: Spatial data collections with an incomplete coverage yield regions with holes and separations that often cannot be filled by interpolation. Geosensor networks typically generate such configurations, and with the proliferation of […]

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4th Conference on Geosensor Networks, Melbourne, Australia, 2011

The 4th International Conference on Geosensor Networks will take place in July 2011 in Melbourne, Australia and is organized by Matt Duckham. GSN 2011 is the fourth in a series of international conferences on advances in geosensor networks, to be held in Melbourne, Australia in July 2011. GSN 2011 will showcase the latest research and […]

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Drs. Beard, Giudice and Moratz awarded $1.25 Mio NSF grant

Drs. Beard, Giudice and Moratz , in collaboration with partners Dr. Longin Latecki and Dr. Kostas Daniliidis at UPenn, awarded $1.25 Mio NSF grant on the proposal titled “Collaborative Research: Perception of Scene Layout by Machines and Visually Impaired Users“. Congratulations! Proposal Abstract: The project investigates computational methods for object detection, spatial scene construction, and […]

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Danqing Xiao defends MS thesis

In April 2010, Danqing Xiao successfully defended her MS thesis titled “Modeling and Monitoring Non-Topological Spatial Changes of Continuous Phenomena using Geosensor Networks”. Dr. Nittel is her advisor, and Drs. Beard and Worboys served on her committee. Congratulations!

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Four Out of Ten Top Paying Jobs for Women in IT

A recent CNN report indicates that of the top ten paying jobs for women, 4 out of 10 are in IT. See this with the “Best Jobs in America” previously which assessed job satisfaction, security, compensation and numerous additional factors and we see a great future for both men and women with high level […]

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