News and Events

Visualizing Cybersecurity Events

Published: Jan 1, 2013 Author(s): Markowsky, George, Markowsky, Linda Abstract: The old adage “a picture is worth a 1,000 words” is relevant to cybersecurity because professionals must deal with large amounts of data in a very short period. It is also relevant to cybersecurity educators who must convey the complexity of cybersecurity events to students and to members of […]

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The 2013 NECCDC – Lessons Learned

G. Markowsky, D. Johnson, A. Moody, R. Soucy, and W. Stackpole, The 2013 NECCDC – Lessons Learned, Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Security & Management, pp. 433 -439, 2013. Abstract: After having run the 2010 NECCDC at the University of Maine, we had an opportunity to run the 2013 NECCDC at the University of Maine. In […]

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The Sad History of Random Bits

George Markowsky, The Sad History of Random Bits, Special Issue of Cyber Security and Mobility dedicated to Cyber Security and Software, 2013. Abstract: In this paper we examine the history of using random numbers in computer programs. Unfortunately, this history is sad because it is replete with disasters ranging from one of the first pseudo-random number generators, RANDU, […]

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Adapting American ERP Systems for China: Cross-Cultural Issues and a Case Study

Yiqi Lin, Linda Markowsky, Shuanxi Liu, George Markowsky, Adapting American ERP Systems for China: Cross-Cultural Issues and a Case Study, Proc. 7th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computer Systems, pp. 572-577, Sept. 12, 2013. Abstract: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems currently used by American businesses are unsuitable for adoption by small and medium […]

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The Topology of Spatial Scenes in R2

Published: Jan 1, 2013 Author(s): Dube, Matthew P., Egenhofer, Max J., Lewis, Joshua A. Abstract: Spatial scenes are abstractions of some geographic reality, focusing on the spatial objects identified and their spatial relations. Such qualitative models of space enable spatial querying, computational comparisons for similarity, and the generation of verbal descriptions. A specific strength of spatial scenes is that […]

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Pre-LGM Northern Hemisphere ice sheet topography

Published: Jan 1, 2013 Author(s): Caballero, Rodrigo, Ebert, Karin, Fastook, James L., Kleman, Johan, Nilsson, Johan Abstract: We here reconstruct the paleotopography of Northern Hemisphere ice sheets during the glacial maxima of marine isotope stages (MIS) 5b and 4.We employ a com- bined approach, blending geologically based reconstruction and numerical modeling, to arrive at probable ice sheet ex- tents and topographies […]

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Middle to Late Amazonian tropical mountain glaciers on Mars: The ages of the Tharsis Montes fan-shaped deposits

S. J. Kadish, J. W. Head, J. L. Fastook, and D. R. Marchant. Middle to Late Amazonian tropical mountain glaciers on Mars: The ages of the Tharsis Montes fan-shaped deposits. Planetary and Space Science, 91:52–59, doi: 10.1016/j.pss.2013.12.005, 2013. Abstract: Fan-shaped deposits (FSDs) extending to the northwest of the Tharsis Montes on Mars are the remnants of Amazonian-aged, cold-based, tropical […]

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Kinds of full physical containment

T. Hahmann, B. Brodaric: Kinds of full physical containment, Spatial Information Theory (COSIT-2013), Sept. 2013, 20 pages, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8116, Scarborough, UK, Sept. 2013 Abstract: Full physical containment is the relation in which one physical entity is completely inside another. It is central to the description of natural resources held in reservoirs above […]

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New perspectives on paleoglaciology

Published: Jan 1, 2013 Author(s): Fastook, James L., Hughes, Terry J. Abstract: Paleoglaciology deals with glaciation cycles of the Quaternary Ice Age. It combines the dynamics of present-day ice sheets deduced from glaciology with the history of former ice sheets deduced from glacial geology. Cosmogenic dating now makes a detailed chronology of a cycle possible. Radiocarbon dating has […]

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