The RationalGRL toolset for Goal Models and Argument Diagrams
Published: 09/2016
Problem Statement:
The Goal-oriented Requirements Language (GRL) aims at modeling high-level business and system goals, subgoals and tasks and analyzing the alternative ways of achieving these goals and subgoals. However, GRL models are only the end product of a modeling process, and they do not provide any insight on how the models were created. For instance, they do not show what reasons were used to choose certain elements in the model and to reject the others and what evidence was given as the basis of this reasoning. There are, thus, several questions that are not answered in GRL: Why is a goal created? Why are some goals evaluated positively and some negatively? Do we have any evidence for the fact that performing a certain task contributes to a goal?
M. van Zee, D. Marosin, F. Bex, and S. Ghanavati, The RationalGRL toolset for Goal Models and Argument Diagrams, In proceeding of the 6th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA’16) as a DEMO ABSTRACT, Extended Abstract, Potsdam, Germany, September 2016.