Context and the virtual human
Published: 05/2017
Turner R.M
Artificial agents that simulate aspects of human behavior are expected to behave much like a real human in a similar situation would. Human behavior however, is largely context-dependent. Ignoring the effect context can have on an agent’s behavior can hinder the quality and plausibility of agent’s behavior. In this paper, we present a context-driven approach to modeling plausible aspects of human behavior which focuses on endowing an agent with the ability to recognize and deal effectively with anticipated contextual changes.
Wilson, C., & Turner, R.M. (2017). Context and the virtual human, in Modeling and Using Context:: Proceedings of the Tenth International and Interdisciplinary Conference, volume 10257 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (P. Brézillon, R.M. Turner, and C. Penco, eds.), pp. 227-239, Springer. URL: