COS 125 Game Dress Rehearsal and Exhibition; Buyers Wanted

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As has been usual practice in the past, the COS 125 class will have its dress rehearsal for their Game Exhibition on Tuesday 12/9 from 11:15 am to 12:15 pm in the Soderberg Center located in Jenness Hall at the University of Maine. At the dress rehearsal we have need of volunteers who play the role of potential buyers of game software. The buyers are supposed to listen to a short pitch from each team and record comments about the game, the pitch, and the poster that the students prepare for the exhibition. If you are willing to be a buyer at this event please let Curtis Meadow know at

It’s a great opportunity to meet some of our new majors; we have some very promising students. This year we have eleven 6-person teams participating. In the interests of making the event easier for the buyers I have asked students to be prepared to deliver a 2-3 minute pitch about their games (rather than the 5-minute pitch of the past).

The game exhibition will be on Thursday 12/11 from 11 am to 1 pm in the same location. If you cannot attend the dress rehearsal, please pop in to the exhibition on Thursday, even if for only a few minutes, and meet some of our new majors. For more information contact Curtis Meadow at