Weekly Teaching Team Meetings

These weekly meetings are an opportunity for faculty and MLAs to review previous classes and explore what will happen in the next class. This is usually the time when MLAs go over any questions or clarifications they may need about the content being covered or if they feel a topic may need a different approach for students to understand.

During the weekly preparation sessions LAs participate in the following activities:

  • Review content knowledge
  • Role play through inquiry-based instruction and modeling of inquiry-based instruction
  • Reflect and discuss student learning and student understanding
  • Co-think through in-course modifications and curriculum development
  • Discuss pedagogical content knowledge
  • Discuss effective interpersonal interactions

Best practices for setting up your weekly preparation session with your faculty member:

  • Dedicate a set time each week for the weekly preparation session
  • Try to dedicate at least an hour to these sessions
  • Ask if there is a plan for each session: Will it focus on content understanding? Will it include time to reflect on student understanding? Are there opportunities to work with an LA or team of LAs to develop an activity for the class?