Program Info for MLAs

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The goals of the FIG-MLA program are to:

  • improve the quality of undergraduate STEM education,
  • promote and support evidence-based teaching,
  • help STEM majors build career-relevant teaching and communication skills, and
  • encourage institutional change at all levels of STEM teaching.



  • Commit prior to the start of the semester to the MLA position offered.
  • Communicate with program staff and instructors in a timely and professional manner.
  • Work the hours expected.
  • Enter time worked into MaineStreet each week.
  • Communicate with program staff and instructors ahead of time for any late arrivals to or absences from meetings and/or classes.
  • Be an ambassador of the FIG-MLA program and assist instructors with recruitment.
  • Complete any surveys that are asked of MLAs, or communicate with program staff if you wish to opt out.

FIG-MLA Program Staff

  • Communicate with FIG-MLA instructors and MLAs in a timely and professional manner.
  • Provide support and guidance to instructors and MLAs whenever needed.
  • Applications online and announcements sent across campus for recruitment of each semester’s MLAs.
  • Hiring paperwork for all MLAs each semester, regardless of cost structure.
  • Weekly hour approvals of MLAs in MaineStreet and communications with MLAs about entering hours, questions, etc.
  • Administer pre- and post-surveys for program evaluation as well as any other surveys FIG-MLA instructors have determined useful for their assessment plan and measuring impacts.

FIG-MLA Instructors

  • Communicate with program staff and MLAs in a timely and professional manner.
  • Implement course modifications and instructional changes described in the awarded proposal.
  • Hold weekly preparation and coordination meetings with MLAs (this may be combined with regular weekly meetings with graduate student teaching assistants (TAs), if applicable).
  • Ensure that no MLAs are grading student work or meeting one-on-one with students.
  • Develop and implement the proposed assessment plan for measuring impacts of instructional changes on student learning.
  • Administer pre- and post-semester surveys for program evaluation from the RiSE Center. (We gather these data for program evaluation purposes and not as an evaluation of individual instructors or individual projects.)
  • Attend meetings with other instructors in the program to discuss project plans, assessment design, data analysis, challenges, successes, etc. (there will be at least one meeting per semester).
  • Prepare a brief project report annually, which might be shared with the campus community.
  • Recruit undergraduate students for MLA positions.
  • Interview and select undergraduate students for MLA positions and communicate selections with program staff by the deadline provided by program staff.

Academic Requirements

In order to be considered a student employee, you must be enrolled or accepted in a degree-granting or certificate program AND be enrolled at least half time (6 credits or more).