Exploring innovative models for school leadership in Maine
Published: 2018
Publication Name: Exploring innovative models for school leadership in Maine
Publication URL: https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/mepri/52/
In 2015-16, a state legislative Task Force on School Leadership examined state needs related to K-12 school leadership in Maine and identified many challenges (2016). Following on the work and final report of the Task Force, the Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs requested the Maine Education Policy Research Institute (MEPRI) to conduct a study to learn more about how school districts in Maine support the development of teacher leaders and new principals. That study, conducted in fall 2016, collected data through statewide surveys of district and school administrators and compared their views about supervision practices and school leadership (Mette, Fairman, & Dagistan Terzi, 2017). In the following year, the legislature asked MEPRI to examine innovative models of school leadership through case studies of a few districts in Maine. This report presents the findings of that study, conducted over the 2017-18 school year. Two models were selected for investigation: one being a systems-based approach used by a larger school district to support leadership development and the other a model of teacher-led schools that operate within school district structures.
This study was funded by the Maine State Legislature, and the University of Maine System.
Fairman, J. C., & Mette, I. M. (2018). Exploring innovative models for school leadership in Maine. Maine Education Policy Research Institute. https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/mepri/52/