Beth ByersSmall

Interim Co-Director and RiSE Center Teaching Fellowship Program Coordinator
Maine Center for Research in STEM Education (RiSE Center)

Estabrooke Hall


C.A.S., Instructional Technology, University of Maine, 2011
M.Ed., Elementary Education (Curriculum), University of Maine, 2002
B.S., Biology, Secondary Education, University of Maine at Farmington, 1984

Current Work and Biography

Beth coordinates the NSF Fellowship Program, a program to recruit, prepare, support, and retain highly-qualified STEM teachers in rural, high-need Maine schools. In this capacity, she works with the 20 program Fellows and a core group of 17 veteran teachers who serve as program mentors. The NSF Fellowship community provides professional learning and mentorship to support ongoing improvement in classroom teaching for new STEM teachers. As program coordinator, Beth designs and leads professional learning opportunities for Fellows and mentors, oversees and supports mentorship, conducts classroom observations to provide feedback and support to new STEM teachers, and coordinates communication and reporting about the project. She also develops, supports, and facilitates professional learning opportunities for teachers in the Maine STEM Partnership Community, including through statewide content discussions and collaboratives. Her current professional interests include supporting pre-service teachers and developing teacher leadership.

Prior to taking on her position as NSF Fellowship Coordinator, Beth coordinated professional learning for K-12 teachers in the Maine STEM Partnership and Maine PSP. Over the past several years, she has presented annually at the National Science Teachers’ Association (NSTA) conferences together with teachers and colleagues from the Maine STEM Partnership.

Beth brings over 20 years of experience teaching students at the elementary, middle-level and high school with her to the RiSE Center. She has also worked as an assessment developer for the Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance.

When not working Beth has tried her hand at various creative pursuits, and presently she can often be found quilting. She also enjoys spending time at her remote camp, paddling various watercraft, and reading.