TA Workshop – Scaffolding Undergraduate Peer Facilitation

Scaffolding Undergraduate Peer Facilitation: 
The Maine Learning Assistant Program
A workshop for STEM graduate teaching assistants
Hosted by the Maine Center for Research in STEM Education (RiSE Center)
through the Maine Physical Sciences Partnership (PSP)

Wednesday, November 30
3:10 – 5:00 p.m.
Arthur St. John Hill Auditorium (165 Barrows Hall)

-Mitchell Bruce and Mackenzie Stetzer, facilitators

Over the next few years, many of you may find yourselves teaching alongside undergraduate peer instructors who are participating in the Maine Learning Assistant Program.  In this workshop, we will provide a brief overview of our campus programs and give you some firsthand experiences with the unique kinds of professional development opportunities that the program offers.

Students participating in the RiSE Center workshops will receive a stipend of $50 for their participation.

Refreshments will be provided.