A minor in Religious Studies shall consist of at least 18 credit hours, of which at least 9 must be upper-level (300 and 400-level) courses. Students must achieve a grade of “C” or better in all courses used for the Religious Studies minor. All Religious Studies students must take at least one course in a discipline other than Anthropology or Philosophy.
Religious Studies students must take at least three courses in Category I (Courses with a primary focus on religion), and at least one course in Category II (Courses that focus on religion to a significant degree). Students can also request permission from the minor coordinator to receive credit for “Topics” courses with a primary focus on religion.
Minimum number of credits required to earn minor: 18
GPA requirements to earn minor: Students graduating with a minor in a CLAS field must earn a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better in the courses in the minor field that are credited toward completion of the minor.
Minimum Grade requirements for courses to count toward minor: Religious Studies minors must earn a minimum grade of “C” or better in all courses used for the minor.
Other requirements: A minimum of 9 credit hours must be completed at the University of Maine.
Required Courses
- ANT 120 – Religions of the World, Credits: 3
- PHI 105 – Introduction to Religious Studies, Credits: 3
Category I: Courses with a primary focus on religion
- ANT 249 – Religion and Violence, Credits: 3
- ANT 261 – Islamic Fundamentalism, Credits: 3
- CLA 202 – Mythology of the Ancient Near East, North Africa and Greece, Credits: 3
- HTY 235 – Heresy, Witchcraft, and Reform, Credits: 3
- HTY 405 – Early Modern Europe: The Age of Reform, Credits: 3
- HTY 433 – Greek and Roman Mythology, Credits: 3
- JST 200 – Introduction to Judaism, Credits: 3
- PAX 350 – Buddhism, Peace and Contemplative Traditions, Credits: 3
- PAX 400 – Martin Luther King and the Promise of Social Renewal, Credits: 3
- PHI 221 – Classical Chinese Philosophy, Credits: 3
- PHI 287 – Classical Indian Philosophy, Credits: 3
- POS 386 – Religion and Politics in the United States, Credits: 3
- PSY 491 – Senior Seminar in Psychology, Credits: 3 (Topic: Psychology of Religion)
- SOC 325 – Sociology of Religion, Credits: 3
Category II: Courses that focus on religion to a significant degree
- ANT 212 – The Anthropology of Food, Credits: 3
- ANT 221 – Introduction to Folklore, Credits: 3
- ANT 252 – Civilization in South Asia, Credits: 3
- ANT 256 – Ethnic Conflict, Credits: 3
- ANT 451 – Native American Cultures and Identities, Credits: 3
- ANT 459 – Peoples and Cultures of South America, Credits: 3
- ANT 476 – The Ancient Maya, Credits: 3
- ARH 252 – Mediterranean Medieval Art and Architecture, Credits: 3
- ARH 253 – Northern European Medieval Art and Architecture, Credits: 3
- ARH 255 – Italian Renaissance Art, Credits: 3
- ARH 257 – Northern Renaissance Art, Credits: 3
- ARH 258 – Baroque Art and Architecture, Credits: 3
- ARH 492 – Baroque Research Seminar, Credits: 3
- ARH 493 – Medieval Research Seminar, Credits: 3
- ARH 494 – Renaissance Research Seminar, Credits: 3
- CLA 201 – Women in the Ancient World, Credits: 3
- CLA 400 – Hero: Myth and Meaning, Credits: 3
- CMJ 119 – Humor and Diversity in the U. S., Credits: 3
- HBR 101 – Beginning Modern Hebrew, Credits: 3
- HBR 102 – Beginning Modern Hebrew II, Credits: 3
- HTY 202 – Medieval Civilization, Credits: 3
- HTY 240 – Creation of the Atlantic World, 1450-1888, Credits: 3
- HTY 341 – The Making of Modern China, Credits: 3
- HTY 365 – The American Immigrant Experience, Credits: 3
- HTY 398 – Historical Issues, Credits: 3
- HTY 402 – Roman History, Credits: 3
- HTY 403 – Early Middle Ages, Credits: 3
- HTY 404 – Late Middle Ages, Credits: 3
- HTY 407 – The Age of Monarchs and Revolution: Europe, 1648-1815, Credits: 3
- HTY 411 – The Holocaust, Credits: 3
- HTY 415 – African-American History, Credits: 3
- HTY 427 – Vikings!, Credits: 3
- HTY 437 – History of Modern Japan, Credits: 3
- HTY 446 – History of Modern Middle East, 1800-Present, Credits: 3
- HTY 461 – Colonial British America to 1763, Credits: 3
- HON 111 – Civilizations: Past, Present and Future I, Credits: 4
- HON 112 – Civilizations: Past, Present and Future II, Credits: 4
- JST 205 – Jewish History and Antisemitism from Antiquity to the Founding of the State of Israel, Credits: 3
- JST 383 – Topics in Judaic Studies, Credits: 3
- MUH 150 – History of Jazz, Credits: 3
- MUL 101 – The Art of Listening to Music: Elements, Credits: 3
- MUL 202 – The Art of Listening to Music: Historical Survey, Credits: 3
- PAX 351 – This Sacred Earth: Ecology and Spirituality, Credits: 3
- PAX 491 – Forgiveness: Creating a Culture of Peace and Reconciliation, Credits: 3
- PHI 310 – History of Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy, Credits: 3
- POS 469 – Politics of the Middle East, Credits: 3
- PSY 230 – Social Psychology, Credits: 3
- PSY 470 – History and Systems of Psychology, Credits: 3
- SOC 308 – Problems of Violence and Terrorism, Credits: 3
- SWK 330 – Contemporary Issues in Diversity and Pluralism, Credits: 3