Promotion & Tenure at UMaine

The Provost’s Office understands that promotion and tenure application processes can feel daunting. Promotion and tenure at the University of Maine and University of Maine at Machias is a multi-level review process which are based on the evaluation of faculty teaching, research and/or scholarly activity, and service as appropriate based on the terms of their appointment and departmental evaluation criteria.

Information on this page and to linked pages within the UMS and UMaine website includes policies, processes, and procedures for both tenure-track and tenured faculty.

For questions about promotion and tenure, please contact Gabriel Paquette, Associate Provost for Academic Affairs and Faculty Development:

Promotion and Tenure Application Process / Forms

The University of Maine System (UMS) Board of Trustees considers tenure nominations each year at their March meeting. It is understood that all faculty nominations for tenure and promotion will be made in accord with Board of Trustees policy guidelines and that the internal tenure procedures of each institution are in accord with the provisions outlined in the collective bargaining agreement. The letter of transmittal, covering all materials and information relating to the tenure nominations, are sent to the Chancellor’s office.

As faculty nominations for promotion and tenure are governed by the UMS Board of Trustees, the Board has developed a single template for all University of Maine System campuses which should be followed by every faculty member.

More information about the Tenure & Promotion process is available on the UMS system website.

2024-2025 Timetable and Administrative Guidelines

Article 9 of the AFUM collective bargaining agreement sets forth the procedure to be used for promotion, tenure, and continuing contract recommendations. (Continuing Contract applies only to faculty members in Cooperative Extension.) These recommendations are to be made in accordance with the criteria established in Article 10, Evaluations and consistent with Article 8, Academic Ranks.

Both contractual and administrative deadlines are described below and the actions required as of those dates are summarized. If you have questions about these guidelines or about Article 9, please contact your Human Resources Partner or Academic Affairs.

Non-Represented Faculty

Some faculty members, such as department chairs, are not members of the collective bargaining unit. They should also indicate their desire to be considered for promotion and/or tenure, submit their credentials to the department Peer Committee, and observe the same deadlines as unit faculty.

Joint Appointments

Some faculty may receive an appointment with funding and/or responsibilities in more than one department, division or other appropriate unit. These appointments are called Joint Appointments.

Faculty holding joint appointments are, for the purpose of evaluation, reappointment, tenure and promotion, reviewed by a single peer committee. The composition of the peer committee for the unit member in a joint appointment shall reflect the proportion of responsibilities assigned to the unit member in each department, division, or other appropriate unit. For the purpose of evaluation, reappointment, promotion, and tenure, there shall be a single recommendation from the peer committee. Please note that a cooperating (unsalaried) appointment is not a joint appointment.

Departmental Evaluation Criteria

Recent Promotion and Tenure Events