Early Years and Sustainable Development Research Initiative (EYSDRI)
The Early Years and Sustainable Development Research Initiative (EYSDRI) fosters transdisciplinary collaboration to expand the knowledge base, policies, programs, and practices at the intersection of the early years and sustainable development.
The Initiative will serve as a unique global hub for scholarship and transdisciplinary research, informed and supported by students and faculty at the University of Maine and in collaboration with its local, regional, national, and global partners.
Adrián Cerezo, a Senior Research Fellow with the UMaine Portland Gateway, is leading the EYSDR Initiative. Cerezo holds a Ph.D. and MESc from Yale University with a focus on social ecology, child development, complex systems, and global policy. For twenty-five years he has worked in environmental and community-based education, exploring the fundamental role of Early Childhood Development (ECD) in the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
For more information on the EYSDRI, contact gateway@maine.edu.