Meghan Simonds, ’08


Meghan Simonds, ’08 is currently Vice President and Global Compliance Officer with Goldman Sachs. Prior to this, Simonds was the Deputy Director of Government Relations at U.S. Global Leadership Coalition, an influential, broad-based organization formed by a coalition of 400 American businesses and NGOs, senior national security and foreign policy experts, who promote increased support for the United States’ diplomatic and development efforts. While at UMaine, Meghan interned in Senator Susan Collin‘s office via the Peter Madigan Congressional Internship Program. After UMaine, Meghan was offered a job by Sen. Collin’s office as a Legislative Correspondent. She would later work as a Legislative Assistant for Sen. Collins before moving on to a position as Deputy Director of Government Relations for U.S. Global Leadership Campaign in 2010. While at UMaine, Meghan was part of All Maine Women, Phi Beta Kappa, and the Honors College.