Khalil Habib, ’96

Khalil Habib, ’96 graduated from the University of Maine and received his MA in Political Science from the University of Toronto – University College in 1997 and his PhD in Political Philosophy in from Boston University in 2005. He is currently an Associate Professor of Philosophy at Salve Regina University, where he has also directed the Pell Honors Program. After UMaine, Khalil briefly worked as a Group Sales Representative for Sun Life Financial and as a Lecturer at Brandeis University, before becoming Professor of Philosophy at Boston University. His work has appeared in such prestigious philosophical journals such as the Review of Metaphysics, Ancient Philosophy, The Polish Journal of Philosophy, and REALIA, a philosophical journal published by the Institute For Advanced Philosophical Research in affiliation with the University of Maine. Habib is the co-editor of Cosmopolitanism in the Age of Globalization: Citizens without States (Kentucky, 2011).