Nicholas R. Micinski

Professor Nick Micinski on a grey background

Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Affairs
PhD, MPhil, MA The Graduate Center, City University of New York (CUNY)
BA, Michigan State University
233 Boudreau Hall
Personal Website

Nicholas R. Micinski is Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Affairs at the University of Maine. His research focuses on global governance, particularly how states and international organizations respond to refugees, migration, climate change, and peacebuilding. Professor Micinski is the author of two books: Delegating Responsibility: International Cooperation on Migration in the European Union (University of Michigan Press, 2022) and UN Global Compacts: Governing Migrants and Refugees (Routledge, 2021).

Previously, Micinski was a postdoctoral fellow at Université Laval, ISA James N. Rosenau Postdoctoral Fellow, and a visiting researcher at the Center for the Study of Europe, Boston University. Before academia, he worked in the NGO sector in London for five years on refugee policy and service delivery. Professor Micinski received his Ph.D. in Political Science from the Graduate Center at the City University of New York (CUNY).

Curriculum Vitae

Spring 2025 Office Hours:

  • M 1-3 pm and by appointment. 

Spring 2025 Courses:

  • POS 349/WGS 301-Community Organizing from Local to Global. 
  • POS 369/INA 410-Democracy Under Threat
  • SPI 590-Advanced Topics in Policy and International Affairs.