Epsilon Delta Chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha Inducts New Members

The University of Maine Epsilon Delta chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha held its 2024 induction ceremony on April 3.  Pi Sigma Alpha is the national political science honor society and membership in the Epsilon Delta Chapter represents high academic achievement in political science coursework at UMaine.  Sixteen new members were inducted and our two outstanding seniors were recognized (all names listed below) at the ceremony. 

Honorees and their guests were treated to a keynote address by Maine Senator Mike Tipping (D-Penobscot), who spoke about the challenges and rewards of working for political and social change.  Congratulations to our inductees and award recipients and many thanks to Senator Tipping for speaking to us.  The photo here shows the inductees and awards recipients with Senator Tipping and Epsilon Delta Chapter Advisor Professor Mark Brewer.

2024 Epsilon Delta Chapter Inductees

Rowan O. Andrews

Kathryn M. Austin

Emme Aylesworth

Julian A. Blohm

Brandon G. Cummings

Chase Empsall

Haily A. Harper

Madison P. Landry

Fiona A. Larkin

Katherine E. Misiaszek

Benjamin M. Potter

Fiona R. Regan

Kyle W. Ricker

Marissa F. Springer

Keegan M. Tripp

Emma L. Williams

Edward Collins Outstanding Senior Award in International Affairs/Political Science

Alexis A. Mittelstadt

Eugene Mawhinney Outstanding Senior Award in Political Science

Camden B. Olson