Generous Gifts from Alumni

The Department is grateful for a number of recent gifts and new funds benefiting POS students over the last year. We celebrated the 65th anniversary of Black Bears on Capitol Hill and the UMaine Congressional Internship Program over the last year. Alumni of the program donated over $100,000 to assist current and future UMaine interns with their DC housing costs. Special thanks to congressional intern alumni John E. Bouchard ’61, Doug Baston ’69, Donna Thibodeau Mundy ’71, Peter Madigan ’81, and Lindsay Lawrence Videnieks ’99 for leading the effort.

Looking to inspire and invest in students with a commitment to public service, Stephen Maroon ’80 established the Stephen Paul Maroon Opportunity Fund, which will provide generous support to student interns to assist with their travel costs, including three interns at the State House and the Office of the Attorney General this past semester.

Tom Mitchell ’71 created an endowed fund to support an annual financial award to the outstanding graduating senior in Political Science and the outstanding graduating senior in International Affairs/Political Science.

Lastly, the late Parker Denaco ’65, ’75G leaves a generous legacy through an endowed fund of over $750,000 in scholarship support honoring the memory of Professor Gene Mawhinney with the Denaco-Mawhinney Constitutional Law Fund while supporting generations of future Con Law students from the Department. These funds mean so much to our students by providing both recognition of their hard work and a financial boost. Consider reaching out to Matt Mullen ’08 ( from the UMaine Foundation if you’d be open to your own conversation about how you can make an impact that is meaningful to you.