Volume 9.3

Volume 9.3 / 1980
The Periplum
Ben Kimpel and T. C. Duncan Eaves, “American History in Rock-Drill and Thrones“
E. P. Walkiewicz and Hugh Witemeyer, “Ezra Pound’s Contributions to New Mexican Periodicals and His Relationship with Senator Bronson Cutting”
Daniel Pearlman, “Ezra Pound: America’s Wandering Jew”
David Matthew Rosen, “Art and Economics in Pound”
The Explicator
Reed Way Dasenbrock, “Dante’s Hell and Pound’s Paradiso: ‘tutto spezzato’“
Ben D. Kimpel and T. C. Duncan Eaves, “Herbert Hoover and the London Judge”
Ronald E. Thomas, “‘Ere He His Goddis Brocht in Latio’: On Pound’s Appreciation of Gavin Douglas”
The Bibliographer
Andrew Crosland, “Annotated Checklist of Criticism on Ezra Pound, 1961-1965: Part III”
The Zuk Explicator
Reno Odlin, “Materials Toward an Essay on Zukofsky’s ‘A’“
The Vortex
Terri B. Joseph, “‘The Pisan Cantos: Thirty Years After:’ A Report on the MLA Special Session, 1979″
William Hoffa, “‘Ezra Pound: A Celebration,’ Hamilton College, April 25-26, 1980”
Burton Hatlen, “Re Reno Odlin: A Riposte”
The Reviewer
Stephen Fender (Leon Surette, A Light from Eleusis: A Study of Ezra Pound’s Cantos)
This cover is an undated photograph of Ezra Pound, provided with permission by Dr. Bruce Richman, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX.