Paideuma 9.2

The Periplum
John J. Nolde, “The Literary Revolutions of Hu Shih and Ezra Pound”
Robert G. Eisenhauer, “‘Jeweler’s Company’: Topaz, Half-Light, and Bounding-Lines in The Cantos“
Randall Schroth, “A Primer for Some of Pound’s Chinese Characters”
John Steven Childs, “Larvatus Prodeo: Semiotic Aspects of the Ideogram in Pound’s Cantos“
The Explicator
Ben D. Kim
The Documentary
The Bibliographer
The Reviewer
This cover shows a statue of a standing Bodhisatva, made of wood with traces of color. 195 cm high. From the Sung dynasty. Reprinted from A Book of Chinese Art (London: Spring Books, 1966).