Paideuma 9.1

Dove Sta Memora
Hugh Kenner, “The Sound of Sense”
Robert Creeley, “Basil Bunting”
Ralph Gustafson, “Music Thinks Sensuously, Words Can’t”
Russell Banks, “Good to the Source: A Lesson in Good Manners”
Ronald Bayes, “Balancing Act”
Donald Davie, “But to Remember”
Guy Davenport, “For Basil Bunting”
Peter Lewis, “Canto CLI, from Sartoris”
August Kleinzhaler, “Throw It Out and Try Again”
The Periplum
Carroll F. Terrell, “Basil Bunting in Action”
David Gordon, “A Northumbrian Sabine”
Anthony Suter, “The Writer in the Mirror”
Peter Dale, “Bunting and Villon”
The Gallery
Basil Bunting
A Rawthey Madrigal
The Biographer
Jonathan Williams, “Eighty of the Best”
F. Whitney Jones, “Basil Bunting in America, 1976”
David Gordon, “Bunting Obiter“
Tom Pickard, “Serving My Time to a Trade”
The Documentary
J. A., “Brigflatts Meeting House 1675”
The Bibliographer
Roger Guedalla, “Books and Pamphlets by or Edited by Basil Bunting”
The Reviewer
Peter Quartermain (Louis Zukofsky, ‘A’)
Joseph Cary (‘Ezra Pound Speaking’: Radio Speeches of World War II, ed. Leonard W. Doob)
Hugh Witemeyer (Barbara Eastman, Ezra Pound’s Cantos: The Story of the Text)