Paideuma 8.3

The Periplum
Max Nänny, “The Oral Roots of Ezra Pound’s Methods of Quotation and Abbreviation”
Kevin M. Oderman, “The Servants of Amor in Pound’s Early Poems”
The Explicator
Eva Hesse, “The Problem of mo in Canto LXXIV”
Franz H. Link, “Pound’s ‘A Girl’ and Ovid’s Metamorphoses, I, 547-555″
Richard Law, “The Seventh Canto Initial”
Peter Davidson, “Heracles & m’la calata“
Barbara Eastman, “The Gap in The Cantos: 72 and 73″
The Biographer
Romano Bilenchi, “Rapallo, 1941” (translated, with notes and an introduction, by David Anderson)
Enrico Pea, “Thank You, Ezra Pound” (translated, with notes and an introduction, by David Anderson)
Tim Redman, “The Repatriation of Pound, 1939-1942: A View from the Archives”
The Documentary
Ezra Pound, “Letters to John Buchan, 1934-1935” (edited by S. Namjoshi)
John J. Nolde, “The Sources for Chinese Dynastic Canto LVI: Part Two”
Ben Kimpel and T. C. Duncan Eaves, “Pound’s Use of Sienese Manuscripts for Cantos XLII and XLIII”
The Bibliographer
Andrew Crosland, “Annotated Checklist of Criticism on Ezra Pound, 1961-1965: Part I”
The Vortex
C. T. Thomas, “Link’s ‘Honey-comb’: A Rejoinder”
Michael André Bernstein, “Mythos and Logos in Ezra Pound: The Splitting of the Realms”
Stephen Paul Ellis, “Dante in Pound’s Early Career”
David Holloway, “Report on the Pound Conference, Durham, 1979”
The Reviewer
Walter Baumann (Eva Hesse, Ezra Pound: Von Sinn und Wahnsinn)
This cover shows medieval coins from the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. This image is found in The Beauty and Lore of Coins by Elvira and Vladimir Clain-Stefanelli. We are indebted to Riverwood Publishers Ltd. for permission to use this photograph.