Paideuma 8.1

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Volume 8.1 / 1979

The Periplum

James A. Powell, “The Light of Vers Libre”

Sally M. Gall, “Pound and the Modern Melic tradition: Towards a Demystification of ‘Absolute Rhythm’”

The Explicator

Hugh Kenner, “A Note on CX/778”

Eva Hesse, “‘Kadzuk, Arachidi, Acero’ in Canto XCVII/683: A Matter of Coherence”

G. Schmidt, “A Note on Canto CX”

Eric Langumier, “Scarabs and Gold”

Angela P. Elliott, “Lucifer’s Fall in Pound’s Canto LXXIV”

The Biographer

Richard A. Cassell, “A Visit with E.P.”

Eveline Bates Doob, “Some Notes on E.P.”

The Documentary

Ben Kimpel and T. C. Duncan Eaves, “The Source of Canto L”

The Bibliographer

Hollis Sickles, “Annotated Checklist of Pound Criticism 1945-1951”

Natalie Harris, “New Pound Holdings at the Lilly library”

The Vortex

Burton Hatlen, “Stalin and/or Zukofsky: A Note”

E. A. B. Jenner, “‘Medallion’: Some Questions”

The Reviewer

Aldo Tagliaferri (Niccolo Zapponi, L’Italia di Ezra Pound)

Doris L. Eder (William Harmon, Time in Ezra Pound’s Work)