Paideuma 6.3

Thumbnail for cover of Paideuma volume 6.3
Volume 6.3 / 1977

The Periplum

Douglas Thompson, “Pound and Brazilian Concretism”

Jo Brantley Berryman, “The Art of the Image”

M. L. Rosenthal, “Pound at His Best: Canto 47”

The Explicator

Akiko Miyake, “A Note on So-shu”

Franz H. Link, “A Note on Samothrace”

The Documentary

Ben Kimpel and T. C. Duncan Eaves, “Sources of Cantos XLII and XLIII”

Carroll F. Terrell, “A Couple of Documents”

The Biographer

Richard Sieburth, “Ideas into Action: Pound and Voltaire”

The Vortex

Diana Surman, “Report on EP Conference”

Mohammed Shaheen, “Pound in Arabic”

Burton N. Hatlen, “Report on Works in Progress”

The cover features the head of John Quincy Adams by Guy Davenport.