Paideuma 6.2

The Periplum
Sanehide Kodama, “The Eight Scenes of Sho-Sho”
William McNaughton, “A Note on Main Form in The Cantos“
The Explicator
Wendy Stallard Flory, “Pound’s Blake and Blake’s Dante”
B. K. Martin, “Ezra Pound and T. E. Lawrence”
Timothy Materer, “Pound’s Vortex”
Robert Hunting, “A Woodnote Wild”
Reno Odlin, “Kati and Antef”
The Documentary
Carroll F. Terrell, “Canto XXXIV: The Technique of Montage”
The Biographer
Felice Chilanti, “Ezra Pound Among the Seditious in the 1940s, translated by David Anderson”
The Reviewer
David M. Gordon (James J. Wilhelm, The Later Cantos of Ezra Pound)
The cover is from Praeludium et Fugain h by Johann Sebastian Bach.