Paideuma 6.1
The Periplum
M. L. Rosenthal, “The Structuring of Pound’s Cantos”
Max Nänny, “Oral Dimensions in Ezra Pound”
Woon-Ping Chin Holaday, “Pound and Binyon: China via the British Museum”
The Explicator
John Espey, “A Note on ‘Nils Lykke’”
David M. Gordon, “Notes and Observations”
The Documentary
John J. Nolde, “The Sources for Canto LIV: Part Two”
The Vortex
Donald Davie, “Sicily in the Cantos”
Leon Surette, “A Case for Occam’s Razor: Pound and Spengler”
Margaret Bates, “EP: Maker of Connections”
The cover features a design by Arline Thomson based on a funerary pottery figurine from a T’ang workshop.